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The Light Ages: A Medieval Journey of Discovery: Falk, Seb

Buy The Light Ages: The Surprising Story of Medieval Science by Falk, Seb (ISBN: 9781324002932) from Amazon's Book Store. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. Seb Falk is a historian, teacher, broadcaster and historical consultant. His first book, The Light Ages, is a wide-ranging history of medieval science, told through the life of an extraordinary monk, John of Westwyk. In The Light Ages, Cambridge science historian Seb Falk takes us on a tour of medieval science through the eyes of one fourteenth-century monk, John of Westwyk.

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Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading The Light Ages: The Surprising Story of Medieval Science. Buy The Light Ages: A Medieval Journey of Discovery 01 by Falk, Seb (ISBN: 9780241374252) from Amazon's Book Store. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. Seb Falk’s 'The Light Ages' is simply marvellous. As someone who enjoys history but had little knowledge of Falk’s area of interest, I wasn’t sure what to expect when I picked up this book. What I found was a pacey, articulate, and consistently intriguing read. Seb Falk has framed a fascinating book around his personal quest to understand how scientific thinking flourished.

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By the time readers are finished with this book, they’ll know their way around an astrolabe with the familiarity of a 14th-century alchemist. Seb Falk is a historian and lecturer at Cambridge University, whose research is focused on the scientific instruments of the Middle Ages. His new book is called The Light Ages: The Surprising Story of Medieval Science. Learn more about Seb’s work on his website or by following him on Twitter @Seb_Falk Seb Falk is a historian of medieval science and medicine.

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november, 2018 Annikas litteratur- och kulturblogg

Seb Falk’s 'The Light Ages' is simply marvellous. As someone who enjoys history but had little knowledge of Falk’s area of interest, I wasn’t sure what to expect when I picked up this book. What I found was a pacey, articulate, and consistently intriguing read. Seb Falk has framed a fascinating book around his personal quest to understand how scientific thinking flourished.

Seb Falk’s 'The Light Ages' is simply marvellous. As someone who enjoys history but had little knowledge of Falk’s area of interest, I wasn’t sure what to expect when I picked up this book. What I found was a pacey, articulate, and consistently intriguing read. 著者について Seb Falk is a historian, broadcaster, and lecturer at the University of Cambridge, where he teaches medieval history and history of science. His research is focused on scientific instruments of the Middle Ages.
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Elisabeth Björkman. Jennie Bertlén. Lotta Hermond. 15.

In The Light Ages, Cambridge science historian Seb Falk takes us on a tour of medieval science through the eyes of one fourteenth-century monk, John of Westwyk. Born in a rural manor, educated in England’s grandest monastery, and then exiled to a clifftop priory, Westwyk was an intrepid crusader, inventor, and astrologer. Seb Falk’s 'The Light Ages' is simply marvellous. As someone who enjoys history but had little knowledge of Falk’s area of interest, I wasn’t sure what to expect when I picked up this book.
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